After My mother passed away when I was eleven years old, my fathers new wife and her new family didn’t want my sister and I around so they shipped us off to a boarding school. Although this was the best thing for me because I was determined to prove that I could be somebody, I realized how lonely I was, and I felt like I was nobody.
When I was 18 years old, I dropped out of college due to severe abuse from different gangs at the school. I didn’t know gangs even existed until this point. As I thought I was running from the abuse, my family all at once decided to scapegoat me with their problems again, and I fell right into the trap of more abuse from them. I could not take anymore abuse so I knew I had to run away. In the meantime, my mothers parents left my brother, sister, and I with an inheritance that I thought was a blessing. When I moved to LA, I bought a beautiful condo on the corner of Sunset Boulevard and PCH, a red Porche Targa, and I was on my way to becoming “somebody” as a famous actress because I invested the rest of my savings into a movie. I thought I won over my parents evil desires of my never amounting to nothing.
I dated this one guy who introduced me to marijuana. The day he left me, I was left devastated. I smoked marijuana to calm the anxiety. I prayed for the first time to God for his help. Then I was reading a book in a candle lit setting to calm my nerves, and I fell asleep. My roommate woke my up in the middle of the night screaming “fire”!!! My condo was engulfed in flames. All I could think about was “Get the people out!! Get the people out!! It was a fairly big high rise building, and I sat down at the bottom watching my life go up in flames. I didn’t know what to do or who to turn to. All I could think about was “Thank God no one was hurt”. Everyone in the building was suing me, but since I didn’t know I was supposed to have insurance because no taught me basically how to live, I ended up cutting my losses and I filed bankruptcy. My pain became everyone’s pain.
After three months of the fire, my partner in the movie I invested my money with embezzled my savings. I made a phone call to his secretary who said “OH, you just have to cut your losses on your tax return, the money is gone.” There went my hope to be somebody. I began to think my parents were right along.
Five months after the loss of savings, I was attacked and kidnapped in my own red Porche Targa. While the kidnapping went on for several hours, the man tried to rape me several times. I kicked my car door open to yell for help as a guy walked by…and he kept on walking; after leaving that site, we made illegal turns in front of cops, which I had hoped would turn into chase, WRONG! They went the other way. I began to calm down as I finally realized I was no different then my attacker. Here I was, I lost everything and shirt off my back. I had no support, no family, and I was a nobody.
I began to carry on a conversation with the attacker, and I asked him why he did what he did. He said “I don’t know why I do what I do.” Then I told him, it is so sad that someone has hurt you so bad, that you just want to hurt me. You were innocent at one time just like me, and you were really hurt; you are doing all that you know. But I can see that you are a smart good-looking guy, who is very talented and you have a lot to offer society. I’m sorry to see that all go to waste.”
The man said I was nice person, and he wasn’t going to touch me. He dropped me off in a dumpster and took off in my car. I was homeless, I lost my savings, I lost my car, I had no family (OH, by the way, my step mom and the FBI said I made the kidnapping up, and that I was only trying to get attention…that was the most painful thing I had EVER experienced…nothing came close to this, not even contractions of a child birth). I had become a nobody, but I was not going to give up.
I began running on the beach everyday. I fell in and out of drugs to deal with the pain of guilt and loneliness. But I felt like there was something more out there, and I wanted to know what it was. After a couple of years of training in acting, my career as actress started to take off, but then I met a man and I ended up prematurely pregnant. I was offered a big role in a movie, I was offered a role on a TV series, a music video I had done hit number one on the charts, and I was booking commercials left and right. I packed everything in one day and I moved south. We got married and had another child. As I looked at my daughters, I began to wonder where did life come from. The beauty of children is so amazing. So one day I looked up, and asked God, “God…who made you God?”
I began to attend a Calvary Chapel. When I accepted Jesus in my heart, ALL of my burdens were immediately lifted up. I felt the real meaning of forgiveness. I had always heard about it, but I thought there was NO WAY I can be forgiven of all my adversaries. But its true. I was all of sudden at peace and I KNEW everything was going to be OK, and I was not alone. I began to see that I was somebody. I was somebody to God who sent his ONLY son to die on the cross for me. I had so many near death experiences, but it doesn’t come close to what God must have experienced when he watched his son being tortured on the cross for me. But then the Lord helped me really understand when I experienced something similar, but his pain was no way near as close as what he suffered for all of us.
Years later, my kids were held hostage. THANK GOD I told my kids what happened to me, because my eight year old daughter said “Mom, all I could remember seeing when I look at the bad guy was what you said you did when you were held hostage…’remember to see the good in everyone, it could save your life.” This all happened while he was holding my little precious baby girls at gun point.
Because the relationship I was in was VERY abusive and not safe, I had to get out and start a life that God intended me to have. I finally asked God what he wanted to do with my life, and I found myself desiring to volunteer my time for a local teen center. I began mentoring to teens about how each one of them was special and how God has blessed them in many ways. I am on a mission to teach people how to mentor to those less fortunate or someone younger, and to encourage teens they are somebody through the love of God. My kids and I are raising money and awareness for local teen shelters throughout the county to help encourage the success of each teenager, which we hope will prevent them from committing crimes out of loneliness, and to help my kids heal from their attack (they have been in counseling for over a year and they are doing wonderful). I am in the process of getting my non profit 501c3 status, so I can help bring encouraging opportunities for the teens. Please pray for the success of The Mentor Missions Charitable Foundation. I need all the prayers I can get to reach as many people as I can the awareness of a mentor. Our web site will soon be up and running, which is Thank you.
Something to pass on:
Through the years with my kids, I noticed I would reach over and tap my kids three times on their lap, shoulder, etc., while subconsciously saying “I love you.” One day my daughter reached over and tapped four times back saying “I love you too.” We began to turn it into a game that has become a little 3 tap trend among other people. I showed this to the teens, now they are doing 3 tap. Like a hug, I believe God is saying through each of us with a smile TAP TAP TAP. God loves you! And we don’t even know we are doing it. So please pass on 3 tap, and know that no matter what happens in your lifetime, you are not alone, and you are somebody. God loves us just the way we are…
TAP TAP TAP!!! Devon