Testimony of God’s Glory

by | May 31, 1999 | Circumstances, Glory, Testimony

In a recent Daily Wisdom I refer to these last few years as the most difficult in my life. For privacy sake I did not go in to great detail, however, now that this period is thankfully over I would like to share my story with you so that God’s glory may be revealed.

My son has a medical condition which, in the last few years, began to exhibit itself in more than just the physical realm. Dealing with a hormonal teen is tricky enough at times, but add to this a very real medical problem, and the mix can be volatile due to the fact that while Mom is busy being a parent who is justly concerned for her son’s health, our now seventeen year old son who wanted to exert his independence, wanted no part in maternal or paternal nurturing. The end result was conflict which drove our entire family to the brink of daily emotional exhaustion. Upon doing everything recommended by the medical community, our son then moved in with his grandparents, which allowed him several months to think about his past, present and future, as well as what place his family would have in his life. During the most turbulent period he insisted he didn’t need us anymore.

Throughout the whole ordeal, despite the fact I disagreed with many of his behaviors and actions, I continued to offer my son unconditional love. Since there was nothing further I felt I could do on my own due to my limited human capabilities, I then placed the remainder of the situation in God’s hands, asking the Lord to watch over our son, and to allow love to heal any wounds. This was a tall order to fill, yet I continued to cleave to my faith, trusting that where man may fail, God can succeed.

I did not know it at the time but my many emails to my son during this phase did not go wasted. Rarely did he write back, but my words did take root in his heart, and slowly but surely, the power of love overcame all else. We began to then schedule visits with each other, doing such fun things as swimming, trips to the mall, dinner at a restaurant, and the most surprising was when he offered to teach me how to play ping pong, something I had never done before! We laughed and talked, wholeheartedly enjoying our time together. Shortly before Christmas, he presented me with two gifts which meant more to me than any earthly riches of the world. Both gifts were necklaces; one was a rhinestone-encrusted heart pendant, and the other was a gold cross. Tenderly he placed the heart around my neck; a symbol of love and affection. The cross he placed in my hand, knowing full well that this too was a very special symbol for me as well. Of course, tears streamed down my face, and I knew that everything was going to be ok.

Since that time, our son has moved back home in not only a healthier frame of body, but mind and spirit as well. I feel a sense of improved wholeness now, a feeling I did not possess when our family was unhealthily divided. I know that one day this young man of soon to be eighteen will leave home for good to explore the world on his own, but I cannot thank God enough for being there for me when I needed Him most. God spoke to my heart and told me to continue to love and pray no matter what, and that is what I did.

In like manner, our Heavenly Father does not easily give up on us as well. Circumstances may seem utterly hopeless, but with God, nothing is impossible.

Contributed by Melanie Schurr Copyright © 1998 JoyfulMelanie@aol.com


Testimony of God’s Glory


