“Show me where to walk, for I give myself to You.” (Psalm 143:8b NLT)
I recently moved twenty miles across town to be closer to my daughter’s family, and I have enjoyed being able to help them by occasionally house/dog-sitting for them when they need to be out of town for a short time.
Daisy, their aging Weimaraner, loves to go on her daily walk to the neighbourhood park. As soon as I get up in the morning, she is eager and ready to head out the front door. Her love of walking, with me as her master, bears a lot of similarity to our daily walk with Jesus, our Lord and Master.
Taking Daisy on a walk early in the morning is ideal when it avoids the heat of the day and guarantees that the events of a busy day won’t crowd out the walk. Spending time with Jesus first thing in the morning is best while we’re fresh and before Bible reading and prayer turn into a chore later in the day.
Daisy has a retractable leash which gives her limited freedom. She can run ahead of me a bit and do a little exploring as she goes. Nonetheless, I am the one holding the leash, and I am the one ultimately in charge. As believers, we also have considerable freedom in daily living. When more than one acceptable choice is within the parameters of God’s direction for our life, He may say, “Either of these choices — or even forks in the road — is pleasing to Me. You may choose.”
On our walk, Daisy may face potential danger. She needn’t fear that yapping little ball of fur headed our way because she can trust me to protect her. I have her best interests at heart, and I will watch over her. We, too, may also face danger along life’s road, but our heavenly Father is watching over us with great love and compassion.
Finally comes my favourite part of our walk — the homeward stretch. As we near home, I often let Daisy off leash, allowing her to explore and to enjoy her own front yard for a final few moments. Then, I say, “Daisy, it’s time to go home. I’ll meet you at the front door.” She readily runs up the steps, knowing that just inside awaits fresh water and a doggie treat. What a joy it will be for Christians when we see Jesus, face-to-face, in heaven! God knows our way, birth to death, and He will surely take us home.
Something to think about: While we wait for God’s call home, will we determine to serve Him faithfully to the end? He has planned our walk in advance and is ready to welcome us home.
Prayer: Dear Father in heaven, thank You for planning our earthly walk, knowing our route and the time that we have. May we be eager and ready to come home when You call. Amen.
Copyright © 2021, by Gail Lundquist <gail10833@gmail.com>, first published on the PresbyCan Daily Devotional presbycan.ca .
Beaverton, Oregon, USA
Reprinted from PresbyCan with author’s permission