“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (Psalm 16:11 ESV)
“I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13 ESV)
I have had some issues the past week and I let the devil steal my joy for a couple days. It’s no fun when that happens. You end up sad and depressed over something trivial and unimportant. I had myself a big old pity party one night. You know who came? Me! I was the only one there. Oh the devil was lurking in the background egging me on. Pity parties are no fun either. For one thing, no one wants to be around you. Table for a party of one. But then when I got up yesterday, I felt good, the sun was out, birds were singing. Party over.
God doesn’t want us to feel sad or alone. He is always with us. I don’t think he would enjoy a pity party. I just didn’t think I could go on. I hurt physically and was hurt mentally. Know what God told me? “Forgive him and move on. I have good things on the horizon for you. Just hang on a little longer.” So I did. I also repented. God is always quick to forgive, us forgive, not so much.
So let’s test this out. Think about someone who you think has done you wrong, hurt your feelings, bad mouthed you or whatever. Now forgive them. Say, “God, I forgive (insert name here) for (insert whatever they did here).”
Just like in my case he/she may not know what they did. He/she may think everything is fine. So forgive whoever it is, let it go and give it to God. I think you will feel a whole lot better. I know I do.
God bless everyone of you and I hope you all have a blessed day.
Kathy Keller