“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1 ESV)
Have you ever seen pictures taken by the Hubble space telescope? The universe is a beautiful place.
When I stop to think about the farthest reaches of space, I think about darkness. I don’t see how there can be so much color way out there.
I read up on the Hubble telescope. It was designed to last 15 years. So far it has lasted 30 years. It’s about the size of a school bus, weighs 27,000 pounds and orbits the earth every 95 minutes taking pictures of deep space.
It’s remarkable but look around you. There is beauty here on earth. Ok, maybe not so much right now but spring is coming. But if you are an early bird, go outside and watch the sun rise. Or watch a sunset. God can really paint a beautiful sky. In just a few short weeks, trees will start to bud out, flowers will be blooming and grass growing. The earth will be renewed.
You can be renewed too. Just rededicate yourself to God. Repent, ask forgiveness and live your life for him. He is waiting with open arms. It doesn’t matter what you did. God loves you and will wash away your sins just because you asked him to. So I encourage you today to repent. Get right with God. He wants you back.
If you don’t know Jesus as your Savior, it’s really easy. Just say this prayer and really mean it. “Dear Lord, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe you died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite you to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow you as my Lord and Savior. In Jesus name. Amen.”
Let me know if you said the prayer and meant it. I love each of you and want you saved. God is waiting. It’s time to make a decision.
Kathy Keller