“With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all.” (Acts 4:33 NIV)
One thing that was soon impressed upon me as a new teacher is that in schools, we cannot testify about Jesus. There is one thing, though, that no one can stop us from doing. We can show what Jesus’ love looks like. It is by our actions that they will know what it is to be a Christian. It’s true that we may not realize we are witnessing, and it may not seem like we are making a difference at all. Nonetheless, it is by our genuine love that students will come to know who Jesus is.
One day, just as the doors were opening that first school day of September, three of my former students appeared as I was doing yard duty. They were now in high school, but they were so excited that they said they just had to come back to see me that day. Their enthusiasm spilled forward in their words: “Monsieur, the three of us have decided to become Christians. We are so excited! We will follow Him all the days of our lives.”
I was curious to know how it came to be that they had made this important decision.
“It was thanks to you, Monsieur,” they explained.
I was completely blown away with surprise.
“We knew you were a Christian, and your example brought us to Christ.”
I had never spoken about Christ, but I did attempt to show genuine love to everyone I encountered, and this is what had attracted them to Jesus.
I was so excited for these girls. Unfortunately my path never again crossed those of two of the girls, but one of the girls sometimes took care of my sons when I had to stay late at school. One day after school, this girl had some more news for me: “Monsieur, I have decided to become a missionary. I will be leaving next month.”
“Wow!” I said. “You will love that. I will be praying for you!”
Genuine love always attracts people. We may never know how many are touched by our genuine love. Being an example is all that is needed.
In His love,
Rob Chaffart
(To access the entire “Influencing the Workplace” devotional series, please click here.)