So many people are alone–the young, the old and everyone in between. Depression also knocks on the door with its unspoken, hidden offer to imprison us. Many feel that they have nothing to give, that no one cares about them. And why not? Isn’t it true that you are lonely and depressed?
Why are we like this?
It is because we are listening to the evil one. It makes his day to make us miserable.
Jesus is our great example. What was He like when He was walking the streets of our planet? Do we ever see Him alone?
Perhaps, but only in times of prayer. Otherwise He is always reaching out to help those in need.
How did He manage to do this?
It is because He was in constant communication with our Heavenly Father–even when He was alone! And that means that even in those times when He was away from people, He was never really alone, for He was with God!
What about feeling miserable. Did Jesus ever feel this way?
He most certainly did, that night in Gethsemane. He didn’t want to endure the pain of going to the cross and being separated from His Father. Even then, however, He kept His eyes on His Father, and even in His greatest misery, God sent an angel to encourage and strengthen Him. Jesus felt His Father’s presence, and this gave Him courage. He was filled with Divine love to save us all. Because of His time with the Father, He went to the cross willingly. He endured the worst form of murder. He did it because He loves us. He did it to open the doors of Heaven so that each of us can come in.
Whenever we are lonely it miserable, let’s go to Heb. 12:1-3: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” (NIV)
We can learn from Jesus’ example what to do when we are lonely. Instead of saying, “No one cares for me”, why not try thinking about others who are feeling lonely? Why not reach out to them as Jesus did? Remember that Jesus was a man of love, always caring for everyone, especially when they were feeling miserable. Heavenly love, Jesus’ love, will never leave people who are in need to suffer alone. Jesus cares!
If you are miserable, remember there are people that are even worse than you. Reach out to them and show them that they are important. Remember that if you don’t reach out to them, they, and you, too, will be alone!
One day a five year-old child was waiting for his bus. He started to talk with me. “Mr Chaffart, I am dying. I have leukemia. But don’t worry about me. Soon I will be with Jesus. I have nothing to worry about. But please don’t tell that to my parents or they will be sad.”
That child died one month later. He was in kindergargen, and now he is happy, with no more pain. He is with his best friend, Jesus, our Saviour, the One who shows only devine love. I can just imagine this child, having fun with Jesus in Heaven. He is happy. He is pain and disease-free. He is with Jesus.
May we be followers of Jesus Christ so that we can also help people in need. If you don’t know how, just pray to Jesus. He will guide you, He will help you know how to help those in need. He will be your guide. After all, He cares, and you are important to Him.
Will you ask Jesus to guide you? It will change your life for the better. No longer will you be alone. No more will you be miserable. After all, Jesus is alive!
Will you join me?
Rob Chaffart