“and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.” (Ephesians 6:15 NIV)
The next piece of armor that we have at our disposal is footwear.
Foot wear is incredibly important. It protects the part of our body that we need in order to run, to fight, and to stand… to run from temptation, to fight the enemy, and to stand on our guard. Think about it: If you don’t have comfortable shoes, it is incredibly tiring to stand on guard. And let’s remember that Ephesians admonishes us often to stand guard against the devil and his tactics (See Eph. 6:11-13,14) Also, if you need to fight or run, it will be very difficult if your footwear isn’t comfortable!
God gives us the appropriate footwear so that we can stand without tiring and run without pain. That footwear is…Readiness!
Okay, so just how does one become ready…How do we fit our feet with “readiness”?
Ephesians tells us that “readiness” comes from the “gospel of peace”. Thus, we become “ready” to stand and to run by having the gospel of peace.
The dictionary definition of “gospel” is this: The teachings and revelations of Jesus Christ. It is His teachings that can ready us to fight, to stand or to run.
But notice the Bible doesn’t just say that readiness comes from the gospel. It says, “that comes from the gospel of peace“. There are many teachings and revelations of Jesus, but the one in particular that we are told will bring us that readiness, that covering that our spiritual feet need, is specifically…Peace!
Peace is only one of the many parts of Jesus’ incredible gift to us on the cross, but it is this one that is specified to make our feet “ready”. It is also one of His incredible teachings. Doesn’t He tell us to give Him our burdens? “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matt. 11:28-30 NIV). And even while in the midst of the storm at sea, didn’t Jesus say, “peace” before He commanded the wind and the waves to be still? “And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, ‘Peace! Be still!’ And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” (Mark 4:39 ESV). This is because His peace is available to us before the miracles happen!
I have met so many people who say they know Jesus Christ, yet they do not have peace. Some don’t have peace about their salvation; others don’t have peace about the many troubles that come our way in life; still others don’t have peace when they are not in control… Either way, without that Peace of mind and heart and spirit, that peace that can only come from Jesus Christ, our feet are not protected, our footwear is not comfortable or strong, and we’ll never be able to stand, fight or run.
The Bible teaches that God’s peace is available to us at all times. It is a gift. But that doesn’t mean we always accept and use that gift. It’s like this:
I have many winter coats in my closet, and I wear them in the fall and spring as well as winter. Why? Because I don’t want to be cold. As a result, I am, indeed, never cold! My wife, on the other hand, also has many coats. She might put one on in the middle of a snowstorm in February, but most of the time, she tries to go without. Why? Because she doesn’t like how heavy they are and how they restrict her movements. We both have winter coats, but only one of us is warm: The one who chooses to wear those coats.
It is the same with peace. We have it at our disposal, but we have to choose to walk in it, we have to choose to wear it. Every time we are faced with difficulties, we have the choice: Do I give the problem to Jesus and accept His peace? Or do I choose to leave it “in the closet” and continue to worry and fret?
The choice is ours, but I would remind you that when we don’t choose to walk in Jesus’ peace, that peace that comes from His teachings, we will not stand ready. Our spiritual feet will not be covered, they will not have the support or the protection they need. We will not be ready to stand, to run or to fight.
When I have a problem, I try to remember to pray and give Jesus the problem. I accept His peace, and when I am finished praying, I feel so good. No matter how hard the dilemma, Jesus always comes to my help, and when I choose to accept His peace, the gospel of peace, not only do I have peace of heart, but I can be sure that my spiritual feet are comfortably covered and protected so that I am ready to stand guard, to fight and to flee.
The gospel truly brings peace. If you don’t know what to with a problem, Jesus will help you if you ask Him. Peace will come over you. If you want to hear Jesus’ voice, ask Him. He will open His arms to you. He loves you!
And if you truly know Jesus, you will want to be with Him. After all, He is our best friend! We trust in Jesus and we feel the love of Jesus within us. He is always with us. It is amazing!
Don’t leave your “winter coat” of peace in the closet! Stand on the teachings of Jesus about peace!
Rob Chaffart
(To access the entire “God’s Armament” mini-series, please click here.)