Sin’s Static

by | Apr 28, 2019 | Confession, Sin

It always happens when I get too far away. It begins with a little crackle, then eventually diminishes to the point I can no longer hear it.

Static, other stations interfering, loss of signal when going under a bridge. Things those of us with typical radios have to contend with. For those who have satellite radio, finding and losing radio stations is not an issue.

It’s not enjoyable listening to stations with static but without satellite it’s inevitable. You know the drill. You find a station playing music you enjoy but you are some distance away. Five miles in the wrong direction and static begins intruding on your pleasurable experience. Or while on a road trip, stations fade in and out with every fifty miles you drive. First comes the crackling, then other stations interfere and then the station is lost completely.

Sin is similar to the static. The psalmist said, “If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened.” (Psalm 66:18 NIV).

Of course, the writer was not speaking literally but in typical Hebrew poetical form. If God is God, he cannot not listen or hear. If he was limited in this or other areas, he wouldn’t be God. The statement has deeper meaning.

As static keeps us from clearly hearing radio stations, so known and intentional sin interferes in our relationship with God. We don’t lose the relationship but we can’t experience its complete joy. Sin keeps us from hearing what God says. We can’t serve two masters, so Jesus says (Matthew 6:24). The more sin we try to live with, the fainter God’s voice becomes. And when we don’t hear God clearly, we miss opportunities.

As driving nearer to the station delivers a clearer signal, so confession tunes in God’s voice. And life is always fuller and more enjoyable when sin’s static is not tuning out God’s call letters.

Prayer: Lord God, remind us to confess our known sins so we can hear You clearly.

Martin Wiles
Harleyville, South Carolina, USA


Sin’s Static


