Could you use a new beginning? Good news! God forgives us and does a “do over”! He lets us start again with a new beginning!
Could you use a new beginning? Good news! God forgives us and does a “do over”! He lets us start again with a new beginning!
Don’t you wish that our lives came with a “Robo-Vac” — to keep all of our daily sin under control? Good news! It does!
God is continually calling out to us. What is it that keeps us from hearing and responding?
What do you wait for? Do you know the consequences of waiting? If you are waiting on God to answer prayer, keep waiting. If you are waiting to give your life to Him, now is the time!
Keeping a short account is a good way to stay on top of your finances and stay out of debt. Keeping a short account of our anger and sin is a good way to keep us pure in heart!
We all make mistakes, hopefully not life-altering, but our gracious God forgives us.
What if you had a small, nearly invisible spot of skin cancer? You’d want it gone! What about the small, nearly invisible pet sins?