Through God’s Eyes

by | Apr 30, 2018 | God's Plans, Guidance, Will of God

(The LORD said) “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:9

The Clark family hailed from Scotland, but they had a dream of immigrating to America.

To that end, they scrimped, struggled and saved until, finally, the family was able to purchase tickets aboard a ship that would take them to a new life in a new land.

Then, as often happens to our well thought-out plans, seven days before they were to leave, the family’s youngest son was bitten by a dog. It wasn’t a bad bite, but it was enough for the local doctor to hang a “Quarantine” sign on the family’s door. You see, there was a chance — a small chance — the lad had contracted rabies.

The ship was to sail in one week, while the boy was shut away for two. The cold, hard fact was this: they were staying behind when the ship sailed.

Mr. Clark did not do well with the bad news. He was frustrated with his innocent son and he was furious with God. His dark mood grew darker on the day the ship left harbor and it stayed that way until April 15th.

April 15th was the day they found out the ship upon which they had booked passage, the Titanic, had gone down — and taken with her the lives of more than 1,500 passengers.

Instantly, Mr. Clark’s attitude changed. The Titanic’s news had him hugging his son and thanking his Lord. They had been saved and tragedy was transformed to triumph.

It’s a true story, and one which I am afraid to say has been repeated in my life and probably yours as well. No, most of us haven’t booked passage on the Titanic, but we do make our plans and when those plans have to be scuttled, we can get downright cantankerous, lashing out at friends, family and the Lord.

Now if that story is your story, then I would encourage you to think upon this: the Lord, whose ways and thoughts are far above ours, is always going to do the right thing for us. He who sent His Son into the world to be offered as our ransom is not about to pull any fast shenanigans. His love and grace are limitless and He can be trusted.

Yes, He can be trusted to always do the right thing, the best thing, the godly thing. And we will eventually see that, if we look at things through God’s eyes.

THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, my ability to look into the future or interpret present-day events is pretty limited and not to be trusted. May I be able to look at my frustrations and fears, pains and problems through Your eyes. Finally, let me always sincerely pray, “Thy will, not my will be done.” This I pray in the Name of my crucified and ever-living Savior. Amen.

Pastor Ken Klaus Lutheran Hour Ministries all rights reserved; not to be duplicated without permission.


Through God’s Eyes


