“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.” (Gen 2:24 NIV)
In general, people yearn for love. When an attractive person of the opposite sex begins to show interest in you, it’s only natural for you to want to be with that person. In fact, the dating period is generally idyllic and blissful, but somehow when dating becomes a marriage, hidden differences seem to crawl out of dark closets. If not dealt with, these differences can soon dampen the desired oneness, causing many marriages to end in divorce.
After my wedding, it didn’t take me long to learn that my wife didn’t always agree with me about everything. For example:
My wife is organized to the “T”. She likes to have everything neat and tidy, and one of the things she cannot stand is for a bed to be left unmade. As for me, I’d rather leave the bed unmade. After all, it isn’t for decoration, it’s for sleeping! Why go through the pain of making and unmaking it on a daily basis? Isn’t it a pure waste of time? Our solution was to compromise: she makes the bed, and as soon as I get home at night, I unmake it!
Then there’s the toothpaste issue. My wife likes to squeeze hers out from the bottom, I prefer to squeeze it out from the top. It wasn’t until the day we started using different kinds of toothpastes that the solution presented itself: a “his” and a “hers”! End of the annoyance!
Another amazingly minor inconvenience that can turn deadly is the toilet seat. For some reason my wife likes it down and I’d rather to leave it up. Our solution came through our rather innovative boys. They wanted a pet bird. Somehow 1 became 15, and we now have to keep the toilet closed in order to keep them from drowning in the toilet bowl! Now if somehow we could just convince the boys to flush . . .
I was brought up in a home where paranoia reigned. I learned to automatically lock all windows and doors, even when at home, even in the middle of a hot summer day. I also check them regularly throughout the day. My wife likes to leave them open when she’s at home. She likes the fresh air, and as she puts it, she doesn’t like “living in Fort Knox”. Our compromise is simple. She can open the doors and windows if she wants, to, and it is my responsible to make sure they are closed and locked afterwards. In fact, I have become the official “door checker”, a status that the rest of the family is generally pretty happy about; except when it’s time to leave and I’m still running around checking doors and windows!
A major problem for us had to do with who will answer the phone. I believe world wars have started because of this one. Alexander had no idea what kind of stress his invention would cause to a newly weds’ home! For me, I purely hate any part of the telephone, and I’ve learned to deal with it in two ways: I either ignore it completely, or as soon as I hear its annoying sound, even when the portable handset is right under my nose, I cry out: “Phone!” Actually, my wife doesn’t mind answering the phone, but for some reason she gets upset when she has to drop whatever she’s doing to answer it when it’s sitting under my nose. I can’t figure that one out! Either you like to answer the phone or you don’t! We have come to terms with this one, however. We let our boys answer the phone. Quite practical, really! Except I’m not sure what we’ll do when they’ve both left home . . . Maybe we can subscribe to “call forward”?
My wife hates the mess of bar soap, and even though I’m 100% Belgian, I love Irish Spring. That one was a tough one to resolve, but after twenty years, we came up with a compromise: liquid soap by the sinks, Irish Spring for the shower. Actually, I’m not quite sure I’ve come out equal on this one, because I think I saw a bottle of Dove sitting beside my Irish Spring the last time I took a shower . . . Maybe my compromise has become compromised!
As I write this devotional, I am faced with a dilemma. I could go on listing example after example, and I would barely scratch the surface. But if I did that, I would be writing a book for you to fall asleep over! Boring, boring, boring!!! I realize now that when my wife and I were just married, our biggest enemy was ourselves, and when two people push for their own way, it creates many seemingly insurmountable barriers.
We have discovered that our Heavenly Father is the source of happiness in our marriage. God has brought two sinners together, and as long as we follow His example of forgiveness and selflessness, we are on firm ground. When we let God invade our lives, He became the glue that not only kept us together, but caused the rifts created by the above differences to be closed. In fact, sometimes we have the opposite problem. We each try to compromise in favor of the other, which only results in us standing again on opposites of the issue! Me in her camp, her in mine!
“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Rom 15:5-6 NIV)
If you are planning an upcoming marriage, be aware that the “I” in your life will try to take over. Everything may seem rosy now, but believe me, you will soon enough discover all of your spouse’s imperfections! If you want your marriage to be strong and unbreakable, draw closer to Jesus! Fix your eyes upon Him, and as long as you let Him be the Master of your home, it will be a happy one! “Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed – that exhilarating finish in and with God – he could put up with anything along the way: cross, shame, whatever. And now he’s there, in the place of honor, right alongside God. When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany of hostility he plowed through. That will shoot adrenaline into your souls!” (Heb 12:2-3 The Message)
If you are already married, but your marriage is less than you imagined it to be, draw near to Jesus. Rely on Him, share your burdens with Him and listen for and follow His advice. Jesus never encourages divorce. To Him, the Master reconciliatory, this is an ugly word: “‘I hate divorce,’ says the LORD God of Israel.” (Mal 2:16 NIV) Depend upon Him, and you will soon discover how He can bring romance back into your life, how He can revive that love for your partner that seems to have evaporated. As years pass by, you will recognize that you are closer to your partner than ever before. Why? Because Jesus is the source of a happy marriage!
“They’re completely out of touch with the source of life, Christ, who puts us together in one piece, whose very breath and blood flow through us. He is the Head and we are the body. We can grow up healthy in God only as he nourishes us.” (Col 2:19 The Message)
When you depend upon the true source of happiness, the differences you may have with your spouse will grow strangely dim. You will discover that you couldn’t have had a better spouse!
Would you like to experience a revival in your marriage? Jesus’ is the answer!
“The answer, thank God, is that Jesus Christ can and does. He acted to set things right in this life of contradictions.” (Rom 7:25 The Message)
Rob Chaffart