My daughter was eating ice cream with chocolate shell on it last night. Yum. But it’s more than just dessert. It can be SCIENCE. She showed it to me and said, “Ooh look, the shell made a little archy thing from the scoop to the side of the bowl.”
I looked and it really was pretty impressive. I said, “Woah, it’s a ‘stalag-side.'”
Kaley said, “Stalag-side? That’s not a word.”
I said, “Well it’s not a stalactite and it’s not a stalagmit–it’s stuck to the side: stalag-side.”
She said, “Okay, but it’s still not a word.”
So I decided I’m going to write about it next week in one of my columns. Then as soon as it’s in print–voila! Word, right?
Yeah, I’m feeling pretty powerful.
I feel powerful as long as I don’t compare my “speaking a word into existence” with the creative power of God. Did I really speak a word into existence? The word jury is still out on that one. But God did speak the world into existence. Everything. He said “let there be” and there just plain WAS. And it was good.
It’s good to remember that we serve an all-powerful God.
And I’ll be hanging onto that thought today like a stalac-tite-mite-side.
Rhonda Rhea