Psalm 91:2 – I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” (NIV)
Acts 4:19-20 – Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God’s sight to obey you rather than God. For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard. (NIV)
Several years ago, I was reminded ever so clearly how God passionately wants us to hear His voice. We had a chapter of a large Christian women’s organization in our town. Every month, this organization would have a dinner meeting, with the members urged to invite unsaved women to attend the dinner with them. The finale was always the speaker. She would be introduced, then proceed to tell about her life and how God had changed it, and then she would give the message of Jesus and His gift of salvation.
I loved to listen to these stories, and my heart was always deeply touched at the way our Lord had changed these women. But I knew there was no way I would ever attempt to share my story, nor was I equipped for public speaking. After one of the presentations, the speaker and I were visiting. During the conversation, she said to me, “You do know God wants you to share your story as well.” I felt sure she was daft, and wanted to think no more of it — but I could not let the idea go. Sometimes I can be quite hard-headed with very poor “hearing”, so finally, I prayed, “Lord, if this is really something You want me to pursue, please make it clear to me.”
The next morning, as I sat down at my computer to read my devotionals, the first one that popped up was a little one-liner: “If God can speak through Balaam’s donkey, He can speak through you.” After the laughter subsided, I was reminded that if we turn our open hearts toward Him and turn on our spiritual hearing aids, He will not only answer us, but give us joy in the process. Many years and much “speaking” later, I still listen for that quiet voice which guides my heart and answers my call for help and clarification — and oftentimes it comes with a dose of laughter!
Prayer: Lord, help us to remember that You are in control of our lives, and that if we will but listen to You, You will guide us and show us all sorts of places where we can shine Your light and share Your love — even if our limited views try to get in the way. Thank You for the beautiful ways You change us and allow us to share Your hope. Amen.
Sari Cobb
Craig, Colorado, USA