¿Por qué a veces Dios escucha y responde nuestras oraciones, a veces escuchamos claramente Su voz, pero no siempre? ¿Podría tener algo que ver conmigo?
¿Por qué a veces Dios escucha y responde nuestras oraciones, a veces escuchamos claramente Su voz, pero no siempre? ¿Podría tener algo que ver conmigo?
God sometimes “nags”! But only when He wants to pour out a double blessing: One for us when we obey, and one for the other one He wants us to bless…
Just when it seems like God really doesn’t care, He reaches out His loving arms to remind you: He most certainly does care!
Hearing God is one of the most important things we can do to know His will.
God speaks, but are we listening? He calls, but do we respond? Why not make today the first day of your new life with Christ?
When God speaks, it’s a pretty good idea to listen!
God speaks in quiet whispers; but each time we hear and obey, we are blessed!