
by | May 21, 2006 | Value

It wasn’t said as an accusation, but my sister spoke words on her recent visit that arrowed my heart immediately.

“Oh, dear, you are earthy, aren’t you?” she flippantly spoke.

Even though the conversation continued, the thought weighed heavily on my soul.

But as I have taken this to God, and talked with Him, a new and deeper insight came from His wisdom. He has gently whispered, “I have made you the way you are for a reason. Celebrate and live in it!”

And thus, you, my readers, continue to get insights into me, but more importantly, yourselves, others and God, because of my ‘earthiness’.

Do you dislike parts of yourself? Have people spoken about certain aspects of your character that are unpleasant? Things that you would really love to change?

Let me encourage you to go to Him, the incredible molder of clay, and let Him make you just the way He wants. You may even find the thing you thought was your worst asset becomes your most valuable!

“For God is at work within you, helping you want to obey Him, and then helping you do what He wants.” Philippians 2:13

TODAY, I share my ‘earthiness’ with you… for a reason!

Bruce Wadd




