Enlighten the eyes of my heart,
that I may know.
The hope to which I am called,
You love me so!
Your glorious riches and power are mine,
Inherited through Your royal bloodline.
A child of the King, I am Calvary bought,
My forgiveness, my mercy, my grace, I am wrought,
With nail scarred hands gently molded by You,
My burdens are many my talents are few.
Unworthy I stand before You this day,
Your servant I am, please show me the way.
My dreams, my desires, my will matters not,
I’m broken before You Lord You choose my lot.
At the foot of the cross I do humbly lay,
My pride, my ambition, now empty I say,
Fill my cup Lord with Your Spirit Divine,
My precious Sweet Jesus Your will is now mine!
Bestow on me as You choose to this day,
Be it hardship or joy, I will gladly obey.
© 2006 by Dot McGinnis dot720@wpa.net