
by | May 26, 2002 | Parenting, Poem

You know you’re a mother when…..
The infant you hold in your arms so tight~
was meant to be there, it feels so right.
A precious new baby for you to keep~
is a newfound love that is felt so deep.  

You know you’re a mother when…
Little girl’s tears can be wiped away~
by soothing words only a mother can say.
This wisdom she learns is second to none~
her words a great comfort to her little one.  

You know you’re a mother when…
Arguments that cause harsh words to be spoken~
may at times leave a mother’s heart broken.
But as children fill our homes with laughter and tears~
they also bring joy and magic to the growing up years.  

You know you’re a mother when…
You find, at times, you are wrapped in self doubt~
at the enormous task to be carried out~
but still you reach out with a guiding hand~
in ways only the heart of a mother can understand.  

You know you’re a mother when…
Your life becomes an open book~
you cook, you clean, you counsel, you cook~
each page that’s turned starts another new day~
as a mother~ you wouldn’t want it any other way.  

You know you’re a mother when…
Scraped knees and little league games from childhood days gone by~
give way to wedding bells and changing names~ you do your best not to cry.
As young adults begin lives of their own~
a mother accepts her children have grown.  

You know you’re a mother when…
Those tears you shed at letting go~
turn to smiles as you come to know~
that a mother is forever, till the end of time~
whether her child is nine or fifty nine  

You know you’re a mother when…
You bow your head in reverent prayer~
as you thank the Lord for being there.
These children you raise are but a loan~
a gift to cherish till God calls them home.

(C) 2005 Kathy Whirity




