Enabled to Keep God’s Commandments

by | May 26, 2002 | Love, Obedience, Relationship

How can we possibly keep this command of loving as He loves? How can we walk in that kind of love? If it is a command from God, that means it is not impossible. It is only impossible when we attempt it in our own strength. God would be unjust to give us a command that was impossible. Look closely at these words of Jesus: “If you love Me, keep My commandments” (John 14:15).

I was preparing to minister, and the Spirit of God led me to this scripture. The way I saw it was God saying, “John, if you love Me, you will prove it by keeping My commandments.” After I meditated on this a few moments, the Lord told me to read the scripture again. So I read it again. He said, “You did not get what I was saying-read it again.” This went on till I read the scripture approximately ten times. Finally, I said, “Lord, forgive my ignorance; show me what You’re saying!” He said, “John, I wasn’t saying if you keep My commandments, you will prove you love Me. I already know whether you love Me or not! What I was saying was, if a man falls head over heels in love with Me, he will be enabled to keep My commandments!”

It is a relationship, not a law. The way I viewed it was law. Many today know Him this way. Instead of a love relationship with Him, they have substituted the seven steps to healing, four-point plan of salvation, five scriptures on prosperity, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. They imagine God is somehow contained in their box of promises, to be pulled and claimed as they feel necessary. Then they wonder why they have so much trouble with sin! Why are His commandments so hard to keep? It is because they are not rooted in the love of God!

Bevere, John. The Voice of one Crying. Apopka: Messenger Press, 1993, p. 126-127.


Enabled to Keep God’s Commandments


