Lost Children

by | May 28, 2001 | Poem, Witnessing

To all that are seeking Him, Jesus, Your Lord and Savior!

They seem to be lost and all alone,
nowhere to turn to find their way home.
They look all around and all they can see,
are others lost that are looking for Me.

They wander aimlessly going to and fro,
one calls my name,says over here le’ts go.
They come to the end of the path to see,
no one is there, for they are lost, not Me.

For I know thier hearts from deep within,
and I chose to die for you and your sins.
And if you’ll not go back, instead just begin
to open your heart and let Me in.

You’ll find that in your search for Me,
That I am not lost but I am with Thee.
So all lost children come to Me,
so together we can spend in eternity!

“Calie” Culleen Williams Caliewilliams@aol.com 


Lost Children


