He Makes Me Laugh

by | May 28, 2001 | Rejoice

As memorial day approaches, I reflect upon the life I had with my deceased wife, Sharon. Even though I am know happily remarried, still the joy, pain and memories are never totally removed. When I married Sharon, she had terminal cancer. However, due to the nature of the disease, we both thought the sands of time allocated to her may be significant. Her doctor thought otherwise, giving her six months. Did I say something about God yet? Well we both were strong in the faith. We loved God, prayed often and read the bible. A year, then two, three, four, five years passed. We traveled to the Grand Canyon, to Carlsbad, to Montana, Yellowstone, the Rockies, to about 30 states even traveled to Mexico. A dying person traveling, living life to its full extent? Yes.

A co-worker once asked Sharon “Why did you marry BJ?” After all I am not the ladies man, not eloquent with the words of the English language, am overweight and not gifted with any significant talent. Her response has stayed with me to this day. “I married BJ, because he makes me smile, and he makes me laugh.”

Well the battle with cancer did take my wife. Not in six months, but eight and half years of knowing her, close to six in marriage. My current wife, Carolina has told me she loves me because of my sense of humor, my ability to take a bad day and change it to good.

Thanks Sharon for the lesson. If you are listening, I have kept the faith and remain strong with God, who I believe is the ultimate comedian.

The lesson here is more than humor, it is about life. Enjoy the flowers, nature, family and friends. Where life takes you, enjoy the journey….this is our choice. A bumpy road, slow down and enjoy the ride. A long line at the cash register….laugh if off, talk to a stranger, generate a smile. If I could leave one message is would be: enjoy life, have a sense of humor (clean and decent).

Alas, when my time comes, I would like to grab the mike in Heaven and start off with: “Did you hear what happened to me on the way to heaven today?….”

B. J. Cassady BJ.Cassady@af-group.com Guthrie, Okla


He Makes Me Laugh


