When I awoke this morning you were on my mind
I thought if you were ill, in need or someone had been unkind
I prayed for you today
As I walked into the kitchen my coffee to make
You were on my mind and I asked Jesus to take
Your worries and concern away from you mind
I prayed for you today
I sat down in my favorite chair and His word I read
Matthew 26:28 For this is my blood of the new testament
Which is shed for many for the remission of sin
I prayed for you today
Today will be whatever we would like it to be
The choices are ours to be blind to His word or to see
That He paid the price for us, there was no fee
I prayed for you today
May God be the center of your universe
Do not be sad, angry or curse
Just look to him and at this verse
I prayed for you today
Bow your head and ask for His forgiveness
Ask Him to come and to be Lord of your life
Be obedient and there will be much less strife
I prayed for you today
Sarah Berthelson sarah@sermonillustrator.org