
by | May 27, 2001 | Holiness, New Life, Spiritual Growth

The preacher was talking about “holy living”. Sharon yawned. It made her think of quiet monasteries. Surely “holiness” could not be expected in this day and age! She dismissed the word as old and musty, and the sermon as irrelevant.

Before going to sleep Sharon opened her Bible. Tonight she would read a quick Psalm. Verse 6 of Psalm 51 jumped out at her.

“Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place.”

The Holy Spirit shone His light into her heart. Suddenly, with clarity, she understood what holiness was. God was whispering to her heart, “Holiness is truth in the inner parts.”

She hadn’t expected God to really speak to her heart tonight. The inner parts were the places no one else saw… except for God. This was where her true attitudes lived, this was where she hid the words that sprang to her mind when she was angry, and this was where the justifications of her little white lies were tucked away.

Sharon recently asked God to help her become “whole” as she struggled with some issues in her life. She had no idea that “wholeness” comes through “holiness”.

Sharon knew she needed God’s wisdom to teach her in these hidden places. A new desire for holiness sprang up in her heart. With the light of God’s Spirit shining on these hidden areas, Sharon knew she wanted to live differently.

What a revelation! God had so gently taken her heart and drawn her on toward wholeness. Never again would she see “holiness” as musty and irrelevant.

She asked God to forgive her for the hidden things in her heart. With His help she would begin telling the truth in her inner part. She thanked Him for showing her the true meaning of a holy life. She asked Him to bring His wisdom into the places where attitudes, words and integrity were hidden issues that were silently robbing her of all God wanted to do in and through her. Holiness… the pathway to wholeness!

Father God, today I want to thank You for never leaving me alone. You always draw me on in my walk with You. Thank You for showing me that holiness is simply “truth in the inner parts.” Today I invite You to penetrate my inner parts and reveal to me the areas where You want to free me from hidden thoughts, words, attitudes, and integrity issues only I know about. I need Your wisdom in these places as I journey on to wholeness. Thank You for the light of Your Holy Spirit in my heart. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Gail Rodgers editor@christianwomentoday.com

About the Author

Gail Rodgers draws from her own life experience in her roles as wife, mother of three, business woman and as a pastor to women. She has a passion for discovering and sharing how the Scriptures apply in very practical ways where we live and walk each day. She resides in Alberta, Canada with her family. Thanks to www.christianwomentoday.com and www.gailrodgers.ca




