My Christmas Dream

by | May 29, 2000 | Christmas

“I had a dream the other night, that the world was full of peace That people of all creeds and colors, let all hatred cease

That every child in their mother’s womb, would have a chance at life That people would be healed to walk, hear and have sight

That the news we read everyday, would be good and never bad That all people would recognize, the talents that they have

That every person had a job, and slept in a warm bed That people in all parts of the world would have food and be fed

That greed, jealousy and envy, would be a thing of the past That every marriage would be a happy one, and would forever last

That every little girl and boy had a gift under the tree That the world knew Christ and His love and shared it endlessly

But like all things my dream ended, and I felt a sense of loss So I prayed the dream would become reality, like Jesus and the Cross”

B. G. Jett (C) 1996


My Christmas Dream


