“Choose you this day whom ye will serve . But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” – Joshua 24:15
If I had it to do over again, I would do things much differently.
Yes, I’m filled with regret tonight.
It started out several days ago when my wife asked me to write a check for a bill that was almost due, and drop it in the mail. I assured her that I would.
I really meant to, but I became very busy during the day and it completely slipped my mind. The next day, with a slightly more sense of urgency, my wife again asked me to drop the payment into the mail. Again, I assured her that I would. And again, I really meant to.
You guessed it, I forgot.
The deadline for getting it delivered on time was today. I had until 4:30 p.m. to drop it off at the post office. At 3:30
p. m., when my wife arrived home, I still had not done what I meant to do. She (rather emphatically 😉 reminded me that if the payment was not posted today then we would owe a late fee because of missing the deadline.
“Just let me finish up right here and I’m headed that way,” I replied. “I’ll be finished in five minutes.”
She took a nap and it took me much longer than five minutes to finish what I was working on. As honestly as I can tell you, I really, really meant to get it done…
…but I didn’t.
I missed the deadline and now there are consequences to my lack of action.
Christian, I wonder how many times the Lord impresses upon our hearts to do something that we put off until later…
…only to miss an opportunity to minister to someone in need?
And, it’s not that we just ignored what God says. We really mean to get it done, but we just let things distract us away from the urgent work the Lord wants us to do in the lives of others.
If we had it to do over again, then we’d do things differently, right? Unfortunately, we don’t. And our hearts are filled with regret.
Friend, there is nothing – not our jobs, not our families, not our lives – there is nothing more important than doing what the Lord instructs us to do. And there is no better time for doing the Lord’s will than right now.
What has the Lord given you to do today? Share the Gospel? Call a discouraged friend? Visit the sick? My friend, don’t delay. Don’t make the mistake I made. Good intentions don’t lay up treasures in heaven…
…good works do.
Jimmy D. Brown http://www.Living4Jesus.com