Let Me Say I Am Here

by | Jun 1, 1999 | New Life, Spiritual Growth, Trials

This idea is summed up in an incident in the life of South African pastor Andrew Murray, who once faced a terrible crisis. Gathering himself into his study, he sat a long while qui­etly, prayerfully, thoughtfully. Presently his mind flew to his Lord Jesus. Picking up his pen, he wrote this in his journal:

First, He brought me here, it is by His will that I am in this strait place: in that fact I will rest.

Next, He will keep me here in His love, and give me grace to behave as His child.

Then, He will make the trial a blessing, teaching me the lessons He intends me to learn, and working in me the grace He means to bestow.

Last, in His good time He can bring me out again-­how and when He knows.

Let me say I am here,

(1) By God’s appointment

(2) In His keeping,

(3) Under His training

(4) For His time.

Robert J. Morgan, The Red Sea Rules. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2001, p. 12-13.


Let Me Say I Am Here


