What Does It Mean to Be a Christian?

by | May 31, 1999 | Legalism, Religion

Let me illustrate this with the amusing story of two farmers who had a talk about Christianity. One of them said to his friend, “I hear that you’re a Christian.”

“That’s right,” the other replied.

“Well, what does it mean to be a Christian?” The curious farmer asked.

“Well, I don’t drink, smoke, or run around with women.”

“In that case,” the friend responded, “my mule must be a Christian too, because my mule doesn’t drink, smoke, or run around with women!”

That’s legalism in a nutshell, and that’s how it makes Christianity sound to many a sinner.

Excerpt taken from Michael L. Brown’s book, entitled Go and Sin No More, p. 151, published by Regal Books and available through ICN Ministries www.icnministries.org


What Does It Mean to Be a Christian?


