The First Loose Tooth

by | Jun 7, 1998 | Family, Parenting

It started out like any other day. Then, after lunch, as I was standing at the sink washing dishes, my six-year-old son came up to me, tugged my t-shirt to get my attention, and started talking. I have no idea now what he said because my attention turned to his teeth. There was a small gap between two of his bottom teeth that I’d never noticed before.

I bent down to examine the teeth and discovered that one was loose. Tears came to my eyes. These mile- stones seem to be coming too close together!

While this event left me feeling bittersweet, my son was very excited about it. He would wiggle the tooth back and forth for a few seconds and then run check it in the bathroom mirror. He noticed my tears but misunderstood why they were there. He offered me reassurance. “Don’t worry, mom; it doesn’t hurt.”

He began a conversation about the Tooth Fairy. On the one hand, he told me the Tooth Fairy was “just a legend.” On the other hand, he was excited about what he would get in exchange for that tooth, “just in case it’s real.”

I didn’t give him a yay or nay on the Tooth Fairy topic. While he was prattling on, my mind wandered to the other milestones in my son’s life. It is still hard for me to believe how swiftly these six years have gone by.

We’ve been through a lot together in these few short years. So far, we’ve been able to overcome our obstacles. Just the other day he informed me that he was no longer going to drink milk. When I asked him why, he said, ” ’cause milk makes you grow and I don’t WANT to grow. I want to stay your little buddy.”

Enjoy the moments. Treasure the memories. Our little buddies aren’t little for long.

Terri Davis


The First Loose Tooth


