The Christmas Kilt

by | Dec 8, 2024 | Christmas, Christmas Revelations, Sons and Daughters of God

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” (1 Peter 2:9 NIV)

Many years ago, I was experiencing a lonely, sad Christmas. Enmeshed in an emotionally abusive and loveless marriage for many long and dreary years, this Christmas held little promise of it being a joyous celebration.

Needing to remove myself from the situation for a while, I drove into town. Eventually ending up at a consignment clothing shop, I decided to go in and browse.

Leafing through a skirt rack, my heart leapt as my hand rested upon a kilt. This wasn’t just any kilt though; it was a Royal Stewart tartan, in perfect condition, in my size. Afraid to check the price tag, as I knew what a kilt like this would normally cost, I was overjoyed at its reasonable price: definitely within my budget. What would I wear with it though? It needed something simple. Something that would compliment it but not detract from its splendour and simplicity. Not having anything in my existing wardrobe I searched, to no avail, the blouses and sweater racks. Still, I was buying the kilt and would worry later about a suitable top.

Carrying my treasure to the register, I was nudged within, to glance around the store once more and there it was. Perched on an upper shelf was a manikin dressed in a silky white blouse with Royal Steward collar, cuffs and buttons.

I left the store with my purchase, and thanked God over and over again for such a surprise Christmas gift, for I knew that going into that shop was no coincidence. As I thanked Him, I was also reminded by His Spirit within, of a special truth: I was deeply loved and appreciated by my Heavenly Father, no matter how anyone else treated or viewed me, for through my relationship with Christ Jesus, I was a member of His royal family. I was part of a chosen people, a royal priesthood a daughter of the King.

That evening, I wore my new outfit to a Christmas get together. As I entered the room, one of the women immediately said: Oh my, you look like a royal princess, how beautiful.

To this day, I wear my Royal Steward kilt and blouse every Christmas as a reminder that because of the coming of a royal babe so many years ago, I am, as are all who love and know the Lord, a member of a chosen people, a royal priesthood, sons and daughters of the King.

Prayer: Father God, thank You so much for what You have done for us through sending Your Son, Jesus Christ into the world, to not only love and forgive us but to take us into Your very own family, as sons and daughters of the King. In Christ’s name. Amen.

Lynne Phipps
Tawatinaw, Alberta, Canada


The Christmas Kilt


