“But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” (John 14:26 KJV)
I love to look at racks of sunglasses and reading glasses in store displays because there are so many styles and colours. But I’ve learned that there is a very special pair of glasses to interpret the Word of God that I can’t buy. It is because the Bible says that when we accept Jesus as our Saviour, the Holy Spirit resides in us and is our spiritual helper. The Holy Spirit is my pair of spiritual glasses.
I need to rely on the Holy Spirit to teach me. I attended a Bible study class one time where a wise woman suggested that I read a verse and then write down how to use it in my life. She told me to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to teach me the things that I needed to know. I just couldn’t quite get the words into my heart’s understanding, so I prayed and continued my Bible study.
Gradually I began to understand that the Bible is God’s love letter to me, and how Scripture could direct my life. The Holy Spirit saw clearly what I was missing, and prompted me to reread a book or chapter. He helped me by giving me connections to what I read. Even with low vision, these are the best glasses that I have ever used. Should I lose all my physical sight, the spiritual glasses will find a way to let me understand what is written from a biblical perspective.
How are your spiritual glasses doing?
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for gifting us with the Holy Spirit so that each believer can discern Your Word. Remind us when our understanding gets dim and we need to ask the Holy Spirit to shine His light, so that we may see through our spiritual glasses. Amen.
Karen Milam
Penn Valley, California, USA