
by | Jan 29, 2021 | New Life, Salvation

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.” (Psalm 19:1 KJV)

We know that God’s creation provides the artist’s most extensive colour palette from which to choose. The rainbow provides an eye feast on the array of primary, secondary, and colours in between. Recently, I visited the post of a featured artist. Her words, “The sunsets and sunrises are my inspiration”, opened a new vista within my understanding. The beauty of colour is used by God to let the world see Him through creation.

Since God created everything, it is God who is our inspiration. When we take in the beauty of creation knowing that it is a gift from God, it changes us. We see God’s splendour in everything. When we come to know Jesus Christ as our Saviour, many of us desire that beauty to be within, through, and beyond us, to share with others. That beauty we find in the fullness of God.

Fluid art is the technique of simply pouring acrylic colour onto a canvas. The artist continues, “I love fluid art because it forces me to let the paint take control of the piece, and I have to accept it as is.”

One of the most difficult and ongoing things that we do as Christians is to give our burden of control to God. For this artist, pouring the paint to do as it wills, compares with the believers’ submission to God. We must surrender ourselves to let Him pour the white righteousness of Christ into our lives. What God can do through us as we seek and praise Him daily, and give ourselves to Him, is a miracle beyond words. We can’t improve God’s work.

His warm colours of everlasting kindness and gentle mercies are not a secret. To rely on the Holy Spirit’s guidance is our gift to the Father who provided Jesus to us for salvation.

When we see the miracles performed with His handiwork, let us think about the miracles that He can do within us when we submit our lives to Him. His splendour is reflected in His creation. He teaches us to seek Him, praise Him, and live life moment by moment with Him. We listen to His Word and apply it to our lives, as we release control of our lives to our sovereign Lord Jesus. Our goal is complete submission to His will. Our own image will beautifully reflect Him as we make Jesus Christ, Lord of our lives. Are we ready?

“And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6 ESV)

Prayer: Dear Father, we thank You for freely pouring Your crimson-red colour of redemption onto our souls. As we live our lives for Christ, we anticipate the moment of His return in His glorious bright white of righteousness. Amen.

Karen Milam
Penn Valley, California, USA




