In the 1920s,the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) was a nationwide organization that openly preached white supremacy and hatred for minorities. They are most known for their animosity towards blacks; but this contempt was also shared with Jews, Catholics, and even immigrants.
In Texas in 1923, Klan membership peaked at 150,000. They became so powerful that they began to influence local and state governments as well as law enforcement agents. At the time, Klan members held the public offices US senator as well as the mayors of Dallas, Fort Worth and Wichita Falls. This influence in high places allowed KKK members to target the minorities in acts of vigilante violence. In some cases, the Klan also threatened any white person who disagreed with their core values.
On Easter Sunday in 1923, a white traveling salesman by the name of Robert Burleson received a warning that he must leave Georgetown, Texas. When he refused, he was flogged and tarred by Klansman Murray Jackson and 9 other Klan members.
Dan Moody, who was originally from Taylor, Texas, was the District Attorney in Georgetown, Texas at the time, and he led the prosecution against Murray Jackson. After seven days of argument, the jury only deliberated twenty minutes before returning with a conviction. Dan Moody then went on to convict four other Georgetown Klansmen.
These trials were considered to be the first successes in the United States against members of the 1920 KKK. They convictions didn’t make Moody the Taylor very popular with the KKK; however he persisted. Why? Because it was the right thing to do.
They did, however, gain him popularity among the Texas non-Klan members, and in 1924 he was elected State Attorney General for Texas. From this office, he was able to conduct investigations against the husband of the serving Texas Governor, Mariam A. Ferguson, bringing the highly-corrupt James E. Ferguson to trial, and his investigations recovered $1 million for the Texas taxpayers. Moody then was elected governor of the state in 1928. He would be the youngest person ever elected to both statewide offices.
Such stories help us to regain our belief in humanity. There are people out there who work to save the lives of other people. They are our modern day heroes.
There are also many such examples in the Bible. Moses, for one, choose to leave behind the riches of Egypt to follow God. As a result, he saved Israel.
Perhaps the best example of all times, however, is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He didn’t leave the riches of an Egyptian palace; rather, He left the riches of Heaven itself to come to our planet, to be despised, mocked, hated, and eventually to be crucified. There was no personal gain for Him, except this one: His perfect life, His death and His subsequent resurrection resulted in our Salvation. It re-established our access to Heaven, it reconnected us with God, our Creator and the lover of our souls:
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16 NIV)
Any of us can love people the way Dan Moody from Taylor Texas did; but only Jesus’ sacrifice can save. He loves you. Will you accept the Savior’s Call today? You can do so in one of three ways:
1. Check out our Salvation video;
2. Click here to go to the Savior’s Call;
3. Or Email us!
Don’t wait. Do it today!
Rob Chaffart