My Brother

by | Jul 31, 2020 | Deliverance, Miracles, Testimony

My brother who was an alcoholic for years and years and years now surrounded his life to God.

He was healed of a major back problem that warranted a medical emergency surgery in 2018. The Doctor told him if he does not have surgery he would complicate  and debilitate  his condition.

Complications like bladder and bowels would be affected and eventually cause paralysis and he was already experiencing this signs and symptoms. 

I remember the day when we went for the specialist consult it was my sister from Australia my brother-law  from UK and myself. The doctor said he does not lose sleep over his patients and the operation he performs; but with Brian he was quiet concerned. So we were planning which hospital and trying to get authorisation for surgery with medical aid.

That day when we returned home from the doctor I remember it was in the evening. After a quick meal for Brian, my husband prayed and had communion with him. Suddenly Brian began to cry out to the lord in a deep and and intense cry. He repented of all his sins and prayed that he would be healed. The next day Brian was walking as normal. No pain no numbness on his leg.

However not long after that Brian started  drinking and gambling again.

In January  2020 my brother  was asked to move out of my sister’s house during to his drinking. I  was in constance touch with him. I prayed every evening with, but I did not know he was still drinking. Finally the truth was out that Brian has been drinking and gambling again. That was in March of this year, and we spoke about going back to rehab. He agreed.

I remember the day so clearly it was the 27th March.2020 the day before the lockdown. My other brother and I took him to the rehab, and he was there for 21 days. On his return on the 17th April 2020, I asked him to stay with us, as I was afraid that he might get back up drinking if he was alone. This is where  God totally restored and transformed he’s life. During his stay with us, we prayed with him daily and shared with him the word. In that time of his stay with us.

Brian was with us for 14 days. On the day before he could leave, my husband referred him to an AA program in Stanger. He left on the first of May, 2020.

He was followed up with AA almost immediately on reaching Stanger, and ever since then his life has changed dramatically. He is reconnected with his siblings and his only daughter in Cape Town.

Brian also had a breathing problem called sleep apnea, and he needed to sleep with a C-pap maching to breathe effectively. Now he no longer needs the C-pap machine. It has been almost 125 days that Brian is sober. He continues to connect with AA via Zoom.

We prayed for Brian for almost 20 years, and God has answered our prayers. All praise and honour and glory to our Almighty God!

Alcy Naicker


My Brother


