“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” (Heb 10:23 NIV)
Travelers cheques are the best way to keep money safe while traveling. Or at least this is what I was told. Their guarantee: If you lose a traveller’s cheque, unintentionally or coerced, you will be reimbursed.
A few years back I flew to my home country in Europe. I had prepared well for the trip by padding my wallet with Euro travellers cheques, and I knew I would have sufficient, safe funds for my trip.
There was only one little problem. Whether in hotels, stores, or even at the bank, whenever I tried to use these cheques I got the same response: “Sorry sir, we don’t accept travellers cheques!”
What? My safe form of money wasn’t accepted? I might have understood if it had been radioactive, but it was simple, innocent-and valuable-paper notes!
A bit discouraged, I kept my Euro travellers cheques in my pocket. I had been promised they would retain their value, and once back home I went directly to my bank. “I’d like to cash these,” I said to the lady at the window.
Her response? “Sir, I wouldn’t recommend this.”
“Why not?” I wondered, starting to panic. “They are still worth their value in Euros, right?”
She nodded. “They are, but we would have to convert them to the local currency, and then back to Euros.”
“That would be fine.” I said with relief.
“But you don’t understand, sir. You have already paid a conversion fee to get these Euros. To cash them in, there would be another fee to convert them to local currency, and still another fee to convert them back to Euros! I don’t advice that!”
I was so confused. I had travellers cheques in my hand that were supposedly of value, but I couldn’t cash them in Europe, and now I was told I couldn’t even cash them in at home without hefty losses! What was I to do???
Then the bank clerk gave me the first good suggestion I had heard since purchasing these travellers cheques: “Why don’t you contact the company directly?”
Hope began to re-emerge!
I surfed the web, found the company’s site, and finally found the solution to my problem. There was certain exchange bureaus in Europe that would cash them, for a minimal fee of 4%. And that’s what I did the next time I was in Europe. I took them to a specific exchange bureau in my home town and cashed them into Euros. But I learned a valuable lesson from all of this. From now, whenever I travel abroad, my bank card will suffice!
I am glad that Jesus’ promises are 100% guaranteed. He is indeed faithful! If we take the time to meditate what He has done for us so far, our list would be extensive. He has never broken His word, and He never will! Our hope is secure in Him.
One of the promises He has given us is this: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.” (John 14:1-4 NIV)
He is coming back for us. How can we help but get excited with such a promise!
No exchange rates will be needed, nor fees. What He offers is utterly free to us. He paid the cost for it all, and a hefty cost it was! If He was so willing to sacrifice His own life for us and then rise up on the third day, just as He promised, I am assured that He will come back for me. Thank you so much Jesus!
Oh! I forgot to mention: Travellers cheques aren’t accepted in Heaven, either!
Rob Chaffart
(To access the entire “Holding On” devotional series, please click here.)