“There are many plans in a man’s heart, nevertheless the Lord’s counsel- that will stand” (Proverbs 19:21) NKJV
Years ago my grandfather had a small lodge in an old farmhouse beside a lake just north of Toronto Ontario. One summer when I was about nine years old I was visiting him at the lodge and one evening he said, “lets go fishing tomorrow first thing in the morning and take along some raw bacon, because everyone is telling me that the big fish are really biting on it lately”. I immediately had a vision about catching one of those big ones.
So the next morning we got up at daybreak, me, grandpa and my dog brownie and rowed out to the centre of the lake and threw in the anchor.
But before we could bait our hooks Grandpa started roaring, doubled over with laughter, to point where I thought he might fall overboard.
“He said look behind you”, hardly able to get the words out.
I did and there was my beloved dog licking her chops with last slice of bacon; I could strangled that dog. Needless to say I spent the rest of the day fishing for sunfish off the dock.
In our lives we all have great expectations and dreams of things to do, but they don’t always pan out. Some times we launch out to fulfill our ambitions and find ourselves getting in over our head in difficulties.
One evening later in life, I shared my business woes with the wife of one of our church elders. She quoted the following scripture to me.
“A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps” (Proverbs 16:9) NKJV
I sort of got the message she was attempting to convey, but it wasn’t until after closing the business and eventually going on to something more in line with God’s purpose for my life, that I realized why my efforts had dissolved. It wasn’t the Lord’s plan!
Just like my boyhood fishing experience, sometimes the bait we put out, just gets eaten by circumstances beyond our control. But that’s when we should seek a better path.
Father God may we always be reminded that You have the best for us in mind, and that we need to check our motives and plans with You before setting out on our adventures. Oh God, thank You for being patient and longsuffering with us. In Jesus’ name, Amen
Alan Smith Anjsmith@nextcom.ca
Innisfil ON Canada