The Why

by | Apr 22, 2020 | Spiritual Growth, Trials

Isaiah 55:8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD.” NIV

Warning: Some of the thoughts in this devotional may come as a shock to readers, parental guidance suggested.

We took this middle aged dog in, whom for the purposes of this devotional shall be called Mr. X, about two and half years ago when nobody else wanted him. He was an incessant barker, a fervent car chaser and a malicious cat attacker, but somebody had to give him a home, so why not us?

His good points consisted of being a classy looker, a great walking companion, and a gentle good natured personality, except of course when it came to felines. After two years of living with us he also developed two more good points. His incessant barking had tapered off to a reasonable level and his car chasing activities came to a screeching halt after I inadvertently ran him over in the driveway, and he lived to tell the tale. The cat chasing, however had only escalated which caused continuous havoc among our cat family, not to mention the devastation of our painted wooden floors.

One day after an especially trying day of Mr X’s frenzied cat chasing and the destruction of a freshly painted patch of flooring, I thought these wretchedly dark words, why or why didn’t I just drive ahead another few inches that day when he ended up under the van? Just another few inches and this problem would have been solved for eternity. Why did I realize at just the right moment I needed to brake? Why Lord did we feel you wanted us to take this dog in, in the first place? Where is the good in this?

And then I found out the why. Two hours after my dark mutterings I received a phone call from a friend who knew a senior citizen who was looking for an older dog as a companion. This gentleman had no cats, and he loved to walk. The thing that stuck me the most however was the location of his house. It was within 10 feet of the roadway. When I realized this I knew exactly why we had taken this dog in and yes, even why I had inadvertently run over Mr X and braked at just the right moment. This dog had a purpose. We had a purpose. Our purpose was to train Mr X so that he could eventually fulfill his purpose by becoming a good companion to a kind and caring senior citizen.

Now every time I drive by and see Mr. X contently stretched out in front of his new front door I remember Romans 8:28 and smile, for indeed it is true that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose: even the things which we so often wonder why about.

Prayer: Father God thank you that your thoughts are not our thoughts and your ways are not our ways. Grant us the faith and discipline today and every day to trust that in all circumstances you are indeed able to work all things out for the good of those who love you and have been called according to your purpose. In Christ’s name we ask. Amen.

Lynne Phipps
Atlin, B.C.


The Why


