My brother and I were perched on the precipice of Tray Mountain-a 4,430 foot mountain snuggled in Georgia’s Appalachian Mountains. What we witnessed evoked praise of God’s power.
Reaching Tray Mountain is no small feat even on a good day, and ours wasn’t. Course winds evaporated our breath while mud-caked rocks challenged our steps. One misstep could twist an ankle or send us careening down the mountainside.
Our destination was a few hundred yards from the mountain’s peak where a 360 degree view of surrounding mountains awaited. Unfortunately, a cold front still lingered, bringing with it a mix of clouds, stiff winds and only periodic glimpses of blue sky. As we sat snuggled in our gear, we marveled over God’s power to combine these elements and produce artful masterpieces. Clouds whisked by like angels liberated from a bottomless pit. Neighboring mountains materialized then quickly disappeared. The mountain’s pinnacle afforded a cozy sanctuary from which to worship an all-powerful God.
David often praised God’s power by reflecting on nature. “He made heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them” (Psalm 146:6 NLT).
Omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. Elaborate theological words describing a God worthy of praise. His power is unlimited as nature often reflects. Anything is possible for him as long as it doesn’t violate his nature. Space can’t confine him. He’s always presently in yesterday, today and tomorrow. He walks in a future we haven’t lived. And we only discover the knowledge he already possesses and longs to share. He knows us personally and intimately, has plans for our lives, and with our obedience can engineer a bright future for us. Let God’s power lead you to praise.
Prayer: Almighty and eternal God, we praise You for Your power over creation and Your power in our lives.