Stuck and Restuck Again! Hope on the Horizon, part 4

by | Apr 18, 2020 | Hope, Hope on the Horizon, Salvation

Feb 5, 2014: 20 cm of snow! The day before, the state of Georgia had been at a standstill, due to 5 cm of snow; but in our town, it was business as usual. Driving on side roads was quite difficult, and I rejoiced when I reached home without getting stuck anywhere…Until I got stuck in my own driveway! Shovel to the rescue! Or better, snow blower to the rescue!

The wind was brutal, and it drove the blowing snow right into my face. Hey! I could have been Santa for once. Had the guy who was taking care of our driveway been more punctual, he would have been my hero, but since this wasn’t the case, the snow on my face was refreshing!

The moment my driveway was completely clean, my snow blower died. The rotating blades just went on strike. I could see the hand of my Father in this. The machine didn’t die until I was no longer stuck in my driveway! That’s the kind of Father I have! No worrying necessary! Yahoo!

Three days later, I drove out of my garage and got stuck again. During the night, the wind did a great job of moving the piled snow back onto my driveway! Fortunately I had no problems freeing myself. Unfortunately it only took me 10 seconds to get stuck again. Again I freed myself, only to be stuck again seconds later. At that rate it would take me all day to get out of my driveway, and with my snow blower in the repair shop, I was completely without hope.

Before I had the opportunity to pray, my neighbor showed up with his tractor. Five minutes later, I was out of the driveway, and as I drove away, I realized he was still in my driveway moving ALL of the drift, not just the part I had been stuck in! And he didn’t even know my snow blower was on strike! But my Father in Heaven did, and again, I saw God’s hand in this! Thank you Daddy, for always coming through for me!

My neighbor was my hero that day, and he sure deserved a delicious apple pie. His wife was so proud of him when she found out what he had done for us.

If we would take the time, we would notice God’s hand in our lives every day, and maybe even more than once!

The same was true with Simeon when he saw baby Jesus in the temple court. He couldn’t help but say: “Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you may now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.” (Luke 2:29-32, NIV2)

Through faith, he realized that this baby in front of him was the Messiah. He could clearly see God’s hand that day, and satisfied to see the promised salvation, he was now ready to die. God had come through, as He always does.

This promise fills us with adrenaline as well. God came to our neighborhood to bring us salvation! Imagine that! Wow!

May this Christmas season become an opportunity to discern God’s hand in our lives. He cares for us way more than we may think. His hand is what fills us with hope. We are not all alone in this, for our Father is on our side! Yahoo! Thank you Dad!

Rob Chaffart

(To access the entire “Hope on the Horizon” devotional series, please click here.)


Stuck and Restuck Again! Hope on the Horizon, part 4


