Psalm 49:10 “Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” NIV “Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, Your High God, above politics, above everything.” The Message
A number of years ago a distant cousin put together our family tree on my father’s side. It revealed that my heritage was Welsh and English, although I am convinced that there is also a Russian branch missing from the tree as I am always rushing here and rushing there.
Blessed with an abundance of energy, ideas and stamina I don’t very often spend time sitting still or being inactive. And yet God calls for us to be still and know that I am God or as The Message states it step out of traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, Your High God, above politics, above everything.
We live in a world that is ever changing, so much so that it is often hard to keep abreast of the latest changes and incorporate the most necessary ones into our lives. Our technology gives us instantaneous results in regards to communication and information. Instant gratification has become the norm for our society.
And yet God calls us to step away from it all, to slow down often enough to be still and meditate upon who is really in control, not us no matter who we may be or what power we may wield, but Him: He, Himself who fights for us and whose angel armies protect us.
Today God and his angel armies are working. They are working to offer us a safe place to hide as we have need and a helping hand in any circumstance. God is also calling each one of us to stop rushing along and see the marvels he has provided everywhere for us to enjoy: flowers and trees, sunsets and stars, oceans and rivers, variety of life, beauty and complexities too numerous to record! Be still and know for in this act of obedience we discover and are given the opportunity to embrace our family tree our true heritage as children of God.
Prayer: Father God thank you so much for opportunities to be still and know that you are God. Bless us with both the desire and will to embrace these opportunities daily that our hearts and minds will truly be centred on who is really in control and knows the best way for us to proceed amidst any and all circumstances. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.
Lynne Phipps Atlin, B.C.