Marks and Spencer’s was the arranged meeting place for a husband and wife doing a bit of shopping in Brae head Centre.
The wife said she would be in M&S, so when the husband was finished his own shopping, it was time to meet up with his wife again.
A problem began to emerge as husband entered the M&S store. It was huge. Where might the wife be? There were at least two floor levels. The husband began to realise that a more specific meeting place should have been arranged. Too late now to do anything about it.
A quick search all around the first floor and then down the escalator to the bottom floor. No sign of her. Back onto the moving stairs, glancing frantically for just a glimpse of her that would put an end to the fear of never seeing her again.
Then, from the middle of the stairs, as vision of the bottom floor was about to disappear, a sighting was made. Frantic not to lose her it seemed to take forever for the escalator to reach the top so that a quick decent could be made down the other side. By the time the husband started his decent the wife had vanished among the clothing. At least she was there somewhere. Just a quick dart in the direction of the last sighting should be enough.
Yes, there she was, totally unperturbed and disinterested with the trauma the husband had gone through. She said she would be in M&S and that was it.
Certainly a more specific meeting point would be a good idea for a future expedition.
Did you know that our loving creator God, whose name is Love, has arranged to meet you? He has left very clear instructions in the bible. See Revelation ch.3v20 “He says, here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.”
Maybe you have never heard His voice before.
It`s a silent voice in the words in the verse.
Jesus is speaking.
“I stand at the door and Knock.”
It`s the door of you heart. That is the specific meeting place. Not a vague meeting place out there somewhere. It`s right where you are at this present moment.
He wants to come into your heart to bless you with His forgiveness of sins. To give you peace in this troubled world and a hope for the future. Can you think of a good reason not to ask Him in?
You can stop searching now. You know where He is.
Prayer: Lord open our eyes to see you. Amen