Life is Precious

by | Apr 15, 2020 | Priorities

“If anyone takes a human life, that person’s life will also be taken by human hands. For God made human beings in his own image.” Genesis 9:6 NLT

She was a good friend who was full of life, but things changed when she took a new job. Kelly* was my wife’s best friend in high school. Secretly, she wanted to be my girlfriend, but I had eyes for another. High school ended, my wife and I married, and different roads took us away from Kelly. We heard that Kelly had entered into an abusive marriage and bore several children. When she finally left her husband, she took a job as a manager of a local McDonald’s restaurant. After closing one night, a waiting assailant robbed and killed her. A young life needlessly snuffed out. Attending Kelly’s funeral and watching her young body lay in the casket reminded me how precious life is.

Soon after creation, God gave a command and warning against taking another person’s life. After all, humans were created in his image. Whoever was bold enough to shed another’s blood would have his blood shed by those responsible for upholding the law.

Whether or not a country or state should practice capital punishment isn’t the issue; the sanctity of life is. What all is entailed in the fact that I’m made in God’s image is irrelevant; the fact that I am is important. Because I am, my life has value-and so does every other human’s. God doesn’t take it lightly when someone recklessly and unconsciously takes another’s life for personal gain or out of revenge. Those who do have destroyed one of his masterpieces whom he has plans for.

Life is precious. God only gives a certain number of years to enjoy it. When I love and respect others-whether I agree with or even like them, I reflect God’s opinion about life. God has a plan for every child that comes into this world. Their lives are sacred, and so is God’s purpose. Give value and respect to every person God places in your path.

Prayer: Father, may we respect and cherish what You place so much value on.

Martin Wiles
Hodges, South Carolina, USA


Life is Precious


