“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ, because through Christ the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.” (Rom 8:1-2, NIV)
In other words: “The Spirit gives life!” (Rom 8:10)
After WWII, Nazis were prosecuted for their crimes. Former Gestapo officials accused of murdering British, South African and New Zealand Air Force officers who had escaped from Stalag III were sentenced to death and were executed promptly. Heinrich Himmler, Hitler’s successor, tried to escape with false papers. He was arrested at a checkpoint near Bremervorde on May 21, 1945, and eventually his identity was discovered. Faced with an immediate body search, he bit on a cyanide pill concealed in his mouth and died on the spot.
Not every Nazi had the same sentence, but in the cases mentioned above, everyone was condemned to death, even Himmler who condemned himself!
Unlike these condemned Nazis, those of us who find amazing Grace from our Heavenly Father are assured that there is “no condemnation for those who are in Christ.” In other words, when we accept Jesus into our lives, we are automatically forgiven from every misdeeds we ever did. This is why God’s grace is said to be “amazing”!
Sadly, some doubt this fact and live with their own beliefs that just maybe they are not saved. They believe that just like the Nazis, they are heading for condemnation. This is especially evident in legalistic churches where most of the members concur that they do not know if they are saved. How sad! However, if we base our salvation on our own merit, it’s little wonder that we will doubt our salvation. After all, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12, NIV)
Those of us, however, who rely solely on Jesus for salvation, are assured that there “is no more condemnation” upon us. Why? Because Jesus has paid the price for ALL of our sins. Once paid, we have no debt any longer. We have been completely and throughout forgiven.
Our Heavenly Father even confirms this fact through His Holy Spirit who has taken residence within us. He confirms that we are now sons and daughters of God, and thus, we are heirs of the Kingdom: “Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, ‘Abba, Father.’ So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his son, God has made you also an heir. ” (Gal 4:6,7 NIV) Hurray! The Holy Spirit gives life (See Rom 8:10), and once He lives in us, we truly become alive. No more fear of death; in fact, no more fear of anything! (See Heb 2:14,15)
I must now ask you a personal question: Do you fear facing God as your judge? If you tremble at the thought, you may be missing the unforgettable experience of God’s Spirit taking up residence in you. If this is a fact, repent for doubting His grace, and invite His Spirit to dwell in you. Experience Him personally and discover what real grace looks like. It will knock your socks off, guaranteed. Only then will you now for a fact that you are indeed saved for eternity.
Bye bye fear; I am now officially a son of God, and there in no more condemnation on my behalf. No more need for cyanide!
Rob chaffart
(To access the entire “Radical Grace From the Book of Romans” devotional series, please click here.)