Don’t Do Anything but Love: Kingdom of Power, Part 19

by | Apr 15, 2020 | Kingdom of Heaven, Kingdom of Power, Love, Power

“‘Well said, teacher,’ the man replied. ‘You are right in saying that God is one and there is no other but him. To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices.’ When Jesus saw that he had answered wisely, he said to him, ‘You are not far from the kingdom of God.'” (Mark 12:32-34, NIV2)

The Kingdom of God is all about love, real, genuine love, a sacrificing love like Jesus demonstrated on the cross, a love that showed His love for God and for each one of us.

How can we show our love towards God?

“No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.” (1 John 4:12, NIV) Our actions will show where our heart is truly focused on.

One day a man appeared to church near Petersborough, Ontario, with satanic tattoos woven all over his body. He also wore a hat, even when in the sanctuary. A deacon, who was shocked by his attire, quickly called the pastor who was sitting in front of the church: “There is a man sitting off to the right wearing a hat in the sanctuary! It’s a disgrace! He shows no respect towards God. What would you like me to do with him?”

The pastor prayerfully consider the options and answered: “Do nothing!”

“But, but . . .” The deacon protested.

The pastor reiterated: “Do nothing!”

The deacon hung up. Five minutes later he called the pastor again: “It’s a disgrace! This man sours the experience of everybody in this congregation. We should do something about this!”

Calmly the pastor repeated: “Do nothing!”

The next week that man with a hat and satanic tattoos came back to church. He also came the following week and the week after that. After church that fourth week, he went up to the deacon who had complained so bitterly about his hat, and told him: “I came to church to shock those attending. I wanted a controversy, so I could prove you were all hypocrites. Instead you accepted me with open arms and respected me the way I am. Never have I seen such love. I would like to become a Christian.”

This man then took a Bible study course and eventually was baptized.

Love is what attracts people. Words without actions means nothing: “Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.” (1 John 3:18, NIV)

“Look at that woman in our sanctuary! She is definitely a prostitute. Look how she is dressed!”

What will you do about it?

Rob Chaffart

(To access the entire “Kingdom of Power” devotional series, please click here.)


Don’t Do Anything but Love: Kingdom of Power, Part 19


