Prayer Warriors

by | Apr 14, 2020 | Intercession, Prayer

Romans 8:26 “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that Words cannot expect.”

How many times have I read this verse? Many I know and really never had an understanding of what was being said. Now, I have an understanding of what is being said, at least this is what I feel. When you are told that your husband has Parkinson, you become numb and unable to even speak. I sat there and tried to listen to what the Dr. was saying but unable to do so. I could not move. Pain seemed to have consumed me and I felt my heart would break. I cried and cried, unable to utter a prayer. I groaned and asked why many times.

Then we receive news that our son has a large mass in his right lung. I refused to believe this. No, this really was too much. I hurt so badly that I am unable to write the words down here. Tears would not stop and my strength was gone. Now, I know there are Christians that will say, “Where is your faith?” I have no answer for them. I knew we need prayers; we needed prayer warriors to be in prayer about this whole situation.

Where did I go first? I went to my computer and sat down and asked my online brothers and sisters to pray for I knew they would and I could not.

People that I do not even know prayed and lifted this up to our Lord. We felt these prayers for I was able to pray also. I moaned and cried but I prayed. My heart was broken. Moms can understand this as well as Dads. You are overwhelmed by all of it.

God answered all their prayers. The surgeon told our son that the mass was not cancer. Once again I cried. Different crying but rejoicing with the good news that we received. The mass will be removed and I know all of those who prayed will once again pray. For that is what family does for one another.

My husband still has Parkinson and each new day we are blessed with, we thank the Lord for His healing touch. When there are no words and all you can do is groan and cry the Spirit intercedes for us according to God’s will. He is able and can do immeasurably more that all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us. (Ephesians 3:20)

I thank the Lord for beautiful Christians who stand in the gap when others are down. I am so grateful for them and I ask the Lord to bless each and every one of them.

Sharon Niese


Prayer Warriors


