Through the Storm

by | Apr 8, 2020 | Trials, Trust

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV)

I recall a western TV episode, a family snug in their cabin, snow and wind whipping outside. The farmer needed to feed his livestock, less than 50 feet away. The blizzard made an everyday event seem impossible. With zero visibility, the father bundled up for the short journey. Knowing the severity of the storm, he took one last precaution-secured a long rope around the front porch pillar. With each step, his hands gripped the rope tighter. Arriving tired, but safe, he cared for his animals. When finished, the farmer knotted the line around his waist. Stepping from the warmth of the barn, blowing snow pelting his face, he trusted the anchored cord to guide him home.

This story reminds me of my daughter’s horrific car accident. The fear of her future hurled me into a storm of uncertainty and doubt. During that horrifying time, I visualized an unbreakable cord connecting me to God’s strength. In my weakest moments, He was my anchor and guide.

This unbreakable, invisible cord is available to everyone. However, it must be anchored to a strong foundation. This foundation can only be found when one accepts Jesus Christ as their savior. The steps are easy, like the farmer, you must secure your guide. At times we see the storms brewing in the distance, but often they hit when we least expect.

Have you made the decision to ask Jesus Christ to be your Savior? If you answered yes, in your quiet time with God, write about your personal experience. If your answer is no, open your heart and invite God in. These are the simple steps to take.

Recognize that you are a sinner (Romans 3:23 NIV) “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”

Recognize that sin separates you from God (Romans 6:23 NIV) “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Recognize that Christ died for you. (Romans 5:8) “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Receive Christ as Savior (Romans 10:9-10 NIV) “That If you confess with your mouth, ¢ “Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.

Now, pray this prayer Dear Father:

I am ready to trust you as my Lord and Savior. I believe you are the son of God who died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead on the third day. Thank you for bearing my sins and giving me the gift of eternal life. I believe your words are true. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus and be my Savior. Amen Remember when the daily events seem impossible and you can’t see through the storms, never let go of the cord. Claim the promise of Hebrews 13:5 when God said “… Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you. When the farmer encountered the storm, he trusted the rope was secure to a strong foundation. We must do the same, grip the unbreakable cord of Jesus Christ. He will calm the storm or hold you upright. Fortify your foundation, find a Bible teaching church, immerse yourself in His words. Don’t let the words from Satan keep you from reading the Bible, he will tell you it is too difficult to understand, but God will tell you He loves you and accepts you for who you are. Worldly Storms surround us, attack and blind us. Do you have your anchor in place? Jesus is our Lifeline.

Bobbie Bomar Brown Author of The Unbreakable Cord


Through the Storm


