… My son do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor be weary when reproved by Him. For the Lord disciplines the one He loves, and chastises every son whom He receives. Hebrews 12:5b-6
A magnificent diamond was brought up from the depths of a South African mine.
After the exquisite gem had been presented to the King of England, it was entrusted to a cutting house in Amsterdam. There, a gemologist studied the stone for some time and then he cut the slightest of grooves into the diamond’s surface.
Then the man set an edged-chisel to the stone and hit the back of that chisel with his mallet. When both the cutter and the crowd started breathing again, it was found the diamond had been broken into two parts.
A casual observer to the proceedings might have concluded the diamond had been ruined by the careless work of a so-called expert.
Those who were there that day, the folks who were more knowledgeable, knew better. They fully understood the gemologist had done exactly what had been necessary to make sure that diamond would attain its greatest value.
This, if you will allow me to say so, is pretty much what the Lord does to us. Each of us have experienced some moments when we have felt the Lord had placed on our shoulders more than we could carry.
We felt the Lord was being capricious, fickle, unpredictable.
Not so. Long ago the Lord showed His love for us in the sending of Jesus to be our Savior. The sacrifice made by the Christ is proof the Lord will only do what is right for us and best for our salvation.
This is why when the time of testing comes, we would do well to know that the Lord is only doing what is necessary to increase our value to Him, to the Church, and to ourselves.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, forgive me for the many times when I try to second-guess You and the work You are doing in my life. Especially when I don’t understand, grant me the wisdom and faith to say, “Thy will be done.” This I pray in the Name of Your Son, my Lord Jesus. Amen.
Pastor Ken Klaus Lutheran Hour Ministries http://www.lhm.org/ all rights reserved; not to be duplicated without permission.