Thank Him for the Rain

by | May 12, 2014 | Gratitude, Poem, Trials

People see the Spirit of God in you, by the way you act and talk;
Gentle are the words you speak, and softly is you walk.
Eyes that cannot see outward, but look inside to find the light;
Are eyes that can see God better, than those of us with sight.

All that you have been through, is more than one person should endure;
But God brought you through it all, for our Savior is the cure.
He had His reasons………for what you have been through;
One day you will find out, when the Master calls for you.

In our life God gives us sunshine, at times He sends us storms;
But never let it worry you, for in His hands we’re safe and warm.
Never, ever question our Lord … just thank Him for the rain;
For when it’s over, said and done; it will be worth all the pain. Amen

Dedicated to Sylvia Lopez for her “Unfinished Story”. She knows and I know, God will finish it. I met her through the Illustrator (about 3 yrs ago.) Due to her article she had written for them, and we have been corresponding ever since. I have met some wonderful Christians through A2P. God put me and this site together at a time when I needed it. Our Lord and Savior is amazing in the way He brings Christians together to fellowship, even though we are thousands of miles apart. I give God all the praise and the glory, for all the good in my life.

His Servant Pat Finn

Prayer Warrior at

John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”


Thank Him for the Rain


