When I was a little boy I used to wait for that final bell to ring at the end of the school day. As much as I enjoyed school and being with my friends I always looked forward to getting on that school bus and heading home. Once I got dropped off I would almost run across the old, shaky, swinging bridge that spanned the river and led to my house. I would open the door with a big smile on my face too because I knew what would be waiting for me: a warm home, a warm meal, and a warm hug.
After I grew up and had children of my own I always tried to have those 3 things waiting for them as well. They knew too that anytime they visited their grandparents or great-grandparents that they would get more of the same. It was, after all, a family tradition.
Of the three, however, I think that it was the warm hugs that my children and I enjoyed most of all. As a boy those hugs kept me warm even on those cold, Winter days when the house was drafty and everyone was crowded around the wood stove. As a man giving those hugs still brought a big, warm smile to my kids’ faces even when my cooking left something to be desired. It is those hugs that I still share freely with my children even now that they are as big as I am. It is those hugs that I hope to share with my future grandchildren too. It is those hugs with their armfuls of joy that can help us all to share our love for each other.
It is those hugs that I hope to share one day with my Heavenly Father as well. “God is love” and I can think of no more loving way to greet Him when I finally make it “Home”. In fact, I think His loving arms await us all. We need only to open our hearts and our arms to Him as well. Join in God’s family tradition then. Fill your house with warm hugs, gentle love, and joyous oneness with him. It is, after all, what’s waiting for you at “Home”.
Joseph J. Mazzella joecool@wirefire.com