In my childhood, I remember having a neighbour who was a dog lover. He had a wonderful tall dog, which would always nuzzle up to him. We, the neighborhood children, would have great time, playing with that harmless canine. However, our “canine friend” went missing one day. A bit of Sherlockian investigation, revealed that its owner to cut down on his pet’s maintenance costs, got rid of it by taking it along with him on a business trip (in his car) and dropping it in another city nearly one hundred kilometres away. The work done, he dashed back home, alone. It’s elementary Watson…quite cruel of him….
A week later, he however had a visitor and an instant change of heart. You guessed it. His faithful dog had returned home using its own homing, natural navigational instincts. He was so moved, that he took loving care of his faithful dog as long as it lived.
We too have been created with a ‘homing instinct’. We too are consciously or unconsciously restless and exhibit serious ‘homesick’ symptoms till we experience our Creator God.
“I spread out my hands to you; my soul thirsts for you like a parched land.” – Psalm 143:6
Have you ‘homed in’ on Him? If not, why delay?
Prayer: Father, I am created for you. Unless, I find you, I cannot find true love, joy and peace. Let me always revel in Your presence. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Suresh Manoharan