Some years back, I went through it all! I mean of hearing the dreaded diagnosis that I have ‘sight’ problem. Whilst reflecting on that moment of discouragement some time later, the good Lord in his own way comforted me that it is good to have ‘a sight problem’ as long as it has to do with you being able to see ‘eternity’ clearly, even if earthly objects are a blur!
According to medical science, there are usually two types of ‘sight problems’. Shortsightedness means being see nearby objects clearly even while struggling to see faraway objects, whereas long-sightedness is exactly the opposite condition. But in the spiritual realm, if you are an eternity-sighted Christian, the good news is that the earthly problems, however big, would “appear small”.
“Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand.” – Colossians 3:1 (NLT)
Time, we all ‘developed’ eternity-sighted problem. Right?
Prayer: Father in Heaven, may our sight be always set on what is eternal and not on what is temporal. Amen.
Suresh Manoharan